Friday, November 21, 2008

Safe Havens

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Safe haven laws popped up in response to under sexually educated girls having babies and dumping them in the garbage literally. Why did they do this? Fear mostly. didn't want to tell their family they have had sex, much less a baby. Didn't wan to live with the burden to raise a child. Basically, as a parent, you can take your newborn to a hospital ER, say I can't, walk away, and the hospital arranges for the baby to be adopted. Simple. Only Nebraska could mess this up.

First, I lived in Nebraska while going to Creighton (where a great deal are being dropped off since it is the first major MedCenter one encounters if you take 480 going West; it's UNMC if you take I80). Nebraska is unique of all 50 states because its state assembly/legislature is unicameral, that is only one house (technially the Senate). Also, to be a legal adult you have to be 19 years old.

Because, there was no second house to review the Nebraska state haven law, no one bothered to think, maybe AGE LIMIT like the other 49 states have? It begs the question to how sadistic the parents are who first searched to see what state they could abandon their kids in after the first few who were Nebraskans were dropped off because the locals new child in Nebraska means 19 and under. The flood gates opened and kids every where dreaded the trip that said Omaha was where they were headed.

Luckily there are only a dozen or so parents so cold hearted. Unluckily, most dropped at least two. That means, we'll have two dozen really messed up people in 15-20 years. Good luck Nebraska, because you wanted results, never wanted to compromise, and still want to hold onto the spirit of the Consetoga wagon, you are now on the hook for two dozen teenagers and children.

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