Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here's more of that conversation...

Mysogynist Pig: What are you still doing here?

PUMA Nutjob: Hillary was brain washed. Obama got to her and brainwashed her into nominating him

Mysogynist Pig (getting out Blackberry): One sec here. Zell, baby. You still got them dueling pistols? I want you to come to Denver and put one in me and this nut job here. ...Uh huh. Well large, small calibur, want me to see it coming whatever. Just make sure it's clean and blows both our heads clean off...No, I don't think that guy from SNL will be here too. Alright, later, thanks Senator. Ok, lady.

PUMA Nutjob: See, Obama got to him too. He's crafty, sly, and I have a $3 bill that says he's a Muslim! And that traitorus skank Pelosi never let us vote on HRC for Veep either. Instead it went to that guy.

Mysogynist Pig: Sure, listen crack pot. I could explain that to you, but alls that guy did was right the Violence Against Women Act, the Crime Bill, and a whole bunch of other stuff that basically would make it a really long time in jail should I do what needs to be done.

PUMA Nutjob: You can't buy into the propganda.

Mysogynist Pig: Olberman, get out the tazer. O'Reily's here!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Matthews vs the PUMAS

Now this is funny. Plants or women who are so bitter that they can't see the end game. PUMAS are the faction of nut job Hillary Clinton supporters who think they were robbed and Hillary should be the nominee or at least the Vice Presidenial nominee. The Party Unity My ASs group takes just about any rumor and believes its true. Of course, Matthews is the mysogynst who's insulted Clinton and every chance (both deserving and not). This is sort of a funny conversation. The comments are even more hillarious.

Here's a hypothetical summary of their conversation
Mysogynstic Pig: Lady, you're a whacko.

PUMA-Nut job: You're a mysogynistic pig!!!

Mysogynstic Pig: True, but you're still whackier than fruit loops in chocolate milk

PUMA-Nut: HRC will still win, even if we have to lock all the doors to force a re-vote

Mysogynstic Pig: Christ lady!!! You're almost Ron Paul Psychotic honest in your zeal. Why don't you hand me over your kids now before they end up hung from the stalls in middle school?

PUMA-Nut: I have sources

Mysogynstic Pig: You got problems, screws loose, 48 cards while playing 52 pick up.

PUMA-Nut: Obama's a Muslim

Mysogynstic Pig: McCain's a woman hating two timing, abortion clinic doctor killing record.

PUMA-Nut: I got sources.

Mysogynstic Pig: This is hopeless. Shit lady, I'm calling the cops. I've been freaked before, but you could harm some one or yourself.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Free Radicals modulate signalling

In this recent article in Nature,, there is talk of something that I've suspected and spent the last few years working on. Free radicals are one of the mechanisms that mediate fast synaptic transmission. In otherwords, free radicals could possibly explain why our thought seem so instantaneous and not as delayed as the whole process of synaptic release and binding and diffusion.

Let me break this down for some of the lay people out there. First, there's a molecule, a protien hormone that regulates hunger (there's several actually, but here we have one). What it does is help with mitochondrial potentials, the engery producing organelle of the cells. Most neuronal cells (both neurons and glial cells) have more mitochondria than other cells This engery production happens in the membranes of the mitochondria in several protiens aka the cytochromes. An electrial potential builds up along this chain because the membrane acts to separate charged ions on the varying sides of the membrane. Break up this chain of protiens, decoupling, and you change the potential, leave reactants (some free radicals), and have a general change in energy production.

Free radicals act fast in a bumper car like method. They bump into another molecule, not really caring what it is, and basically cause that one to become a free radical while the original goes back to "normal", and so on and so forth. Now the cytochromes use this process to transport electrons down its chain to produce energy. So where do these things go if this process isn't working? Well free radicals are fast. They difuse (travel) all over. Bumping into things. Change enough things, modulate the potential of the cell membrane, and an action potential could form leading to synaptic transmission.

My interests are in finding out what the exact radical chains are as they do this process. It's nice to know now that some one can generate them and explain how it starts. should I ever return to the neuro field full time this is where I'd like to go.