So we got some doozies...
Where to begin, let's go first with Gov Mark Sanford of South Carolina. Conservative family values Republican who went and had an affair possibly using taxpayer dollars to cover travel with a woman from Argentina. Let's start with the typical family values hyporcisy. I'm pro- this, anti-gay, anti-sex that. But see that latina bonita, and you just have to have it. Well most men may think that, fewer married ones with kids act on it. Fewer still take money from the state to enable us to carry through with it. Just remember, Mark Sanford could take money from the state to have an affair, but it is not alright to take money from the federal government to pay teachers and cops. While I personally think that the affair is the least of the "public" problems Sanford has, the reality is that he embezelled/misled the people of his state. Any politico's personal behavior is just that, just don't use our time or money to do it. Next, if you're elected and you are of a position where there has to be a constant line of communication open to you, never lie about where you are. What happens if there was a flood or huricane that hit the state? Who would've mobilized the national guard? Hell, do you have a national guard to mobilize because they aren't in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Sarah the hatchet girl, you're next. First, could you see the Obama's in Russian from your house? I'll caviat this like all others, if there truely is something wrong with your kids, or the first dude or even your own health than this is an acceptable act. If not, you're a quitter. That's what people are who walk away when the going gets tough. You brought this on yourself. Your ambition to be something other than in Alaska had consequences beyond getting you name recognition your ambition cravenly desired. You have to take the good with the bad. The scrutiny will only get worse the more ambitions you have. You clearly lack a general working knowledge of the basics of Federalism that junior high students have, you show all the lack of curiosity and policy creation that Shrub showed but have none of his shrewd people skills, and more than one person who's worked with you has said you've lied to the public. Quitter/liar, all the same to me. It's a pattern of behavior that says ego first, everything else be damned. See Pat Buchannan, Al Shartpon, Dennis Kucinich, Steve Forbes and Ross Perot on that. But more likely, you're just a bully. In Alaska, you may have been the meanest and the toughest. But you tried to go beyond what you could handle, and got popped in the nose and bloodied. Than the people of Alaska reacted like all people do when a bully goes down, they show it's very easy to stand up and push them back harder than the bullying threats.
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