I'm going to comment on the idiots who aranged these so called "tea parties" on April 15.
First off a History Lesson for those that want to ban the books or make fun of the people who can read and remember the lessons from them. In 1773 a bunch of Bostonians protested the leveling of taxes on tea by dressing up as a local Indian tribe and dumping the tea into Boston Harbor. What they wanted was a represenative or two in Parliment to be able to vote on taxing, the amount, and where it was directed. It was never about not paying taxes but having a say in what and where taxes were paid. Sadly we have that already. It's called the US House of Represenatives. If you don't like the way yours makes taxes, vote him/her out next year.
Next, the leader of this so called grass roots movement is neither grass roots nor unknown. He's the former Majority Leader of the House of Represenatives, Dick Armey!!! He's trying the approach of trickle down organizing. Money pours down from the top, and people will spring up. Also, having a whole network say there's going to be this event, I'm going and speaking at it isn't reporting. IT'S STAGED!!!
That said, tea bagging, what the event was to be called, has an entirely different connotation now these days. It refers to the sexual act of sucking on the testicles. Yep, Dick Armey led an event to get one's testicles sucked.
That aside, if I take the theme that Faux Noise claims was the reason for the protests, the paying of taxes and out of control spending, can they answer me this. If the national debt is the biggest concern, than taxing is going to be the only thing that gets us out of it. You can only cut so much on the spending side of things. However, you are only brining enough in taxes year to year to pay for what you providing in terms of services and sallaries. You still have a massive debt, and the only way to get more money to pay it off is to basically take in more to pay it back.
So if you're truely against the national debt, you better be for higher taxes. Otherwise your hypocrisy is going to just explode the problem you claim to hate.
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