"Pick a side," Adm. Adama. "I didn't know we were picking sides," Lee "Apollo" Adama.
Yes, we all have to pick a side. But this is probably the most insidious and vile thing imaginable and has been going on for far too long. I'm talking about the taking of an idea, incorrectly interrupting it, and than people propagate the mistake because they're too lazy to question or investigate on their own. This is happening in art, in politics, in science, and just about every facet of life. It is grotesque and it is an offense to civilization as we know it.
Ideas and their intent are the basis of a great deal of civilization. Where would we be without Jefferson, Locke, Hume? After all tyranny is the suppression of ideas and reason according to Kant, Bjerkley, Berkley and Kjerkergaard. But also, to those men, distortion or misinterruption of ideas makes one an offense to the very civilization and removes them from humanity. After all by distorting what makes us unique, they diminish themselves to the realms of animals, losing all potential to make them human.
I mean, what can be more simple? The thought of the creator is of an idea is that immutable. IT cannot be incorrect when compared to a third degree or fourth degree analysis especially when it contradicts the original basis or interruption of the creator's original thought. But those that claim the tertiary or quatenary thoughts are correct when there is a blatant contradiction are holding to a phallacy that assaults civilzation. No longer can the orignal thought or intent be correct, the incorrect assumption is correct. The creator of the original idea/art/work was wrong.
Imagine not talking about Mona Lisa's smile but instead whether her frown follows you like her eyes. Imagine some one saying Heart's Crazy On You isn't a response to critics saying the Wilson's were lesbians but how Nancy or Ann committed murder. Just wrong. That's just art. The assault hits science, particularly by uninformed supporters of evolution; the deniers assault all science but they also assault religion too. It attacks religion by the use of fundamentalism/literalism of scriptures. Soon, the ideas that are great will be diluted out and replaced by sheer idiocy and paths of least resistance.
What we'll have is a bunch of lazy, dishonest, and intellectually vacant discourse in all creative fields. The analogy would be letting Paris Hilton set national policies. We'd all look good and have online pornos, but it would be meaningless and contribute nothing to the greater good.
"The first duty is always to the truth. Personal, moral, scientific truths," so wailed Jean-Luc Picard.
I live in a country and society that is based on idea, as it seems to be said more than once here. Assaulting ideas especially with incorrect ones is treason. Treason has only one punishment in any society. Who's to blame? The people who do the first offense or the people who run with the offense and propagate it as truth? I cannot say. Often, the intial offender when pointed to their mistakes, retracts and appologizes. That leaves the person who continues with their treason to thought and ideas in the face of the truth!
There is no greater good than to generate a work of art of logically viable idea. But those who would distort it are an afront to all this greatness. They are traitors to our species, to our civilization, to our culture. Sadly, they'll claim ignorance but ignorance is no defense in the law except for those with diminished capacity. They will cling to their belief that they are fully awares, but they can be only one of two things. Blatant traitors, or people with such diminished capacity that they should be pittied on for not getting to enjoy the full extent of the human condition.