Well I went up one channel and who should appear, but everyone's favorite Libertarian kook, Ron Paul. Course, the only part of his message that makes sense is on patriotism. Patriots are for liberty and people, not policies and governments. Of course, how can he say people can do what they want when they can't do everything they want to them with respect to reproduction? Well he's got 10k or so with him. The convention hall has a few thousand more, but will be the last time McCain ever gets that sort of crowd.
Anyways, lets get back on topic. So McCain picks this woman from Alaska. She advocates she's a reformer. She hires Abromoff's law firm. She fires people in positions who didn't support her canidacy for mayor. She tries to fire the cops who won't fire her former brother-in-law because he divorced her sister. She was against the bridge to no where all along, but yet campaigned as being for the waste of money. She advocates absitance only education. Her daughter gets pregnant and says she'll just have to grow up fast. .
Maybe, just maybe, she should've said something like this, "First, don't have sex. That way you can't get pregnant, you can't get a disease. If you do choose to have sex, you better take the steps to make sure you don't get pregnant or diseases. Here's how..." It's much better than having a 17 year old girl being forced into a (sham) marriage. Not like statistics say the younger the mother and just marrying for the sake of the child do damage to the child. No that's science, the Republicans rejected that too. I wish that girl well. I wish her parents to hell for giving her such a crappy and misguided guidance.
But enough piling on this poor woman and her beliefs. What this says is what Obama's been saying all along. It is about judgement. It says, pander to women who wanted Hillary for VP after she ceded (but probably don't understand Hillary didn't want the position), pander to party who didn't want your first choices, pander to a bunch of people who called your own daughter illegitimate and worse.
Ron Paul just went after Federal Reserve Bank. Course, he's wrong on guns on planes. Just because they had guns, doesn't mean they would've been drawn or not taken over. Anyways...
It says McCain is a maverick. But do you really want a guy who doesn't get what he wants on the international scene go and respond using the military? He's a Sectagenarian throwing a tantrum with this pick!!! Of course, he's nearly been a washout at both the Naval Academy, Flight School, which probalby led to an inexpierenced INEPT pilot in a war zone. What do you think the consequences would be? Guess what, it happened. At least, he wisened up on the ground and became a hero than. But 5 years of car batteries to the testes in a pool of water does something to the brain. It doesn't make it work normal. Guess what, you shouldn't be elegible for office, much less being in public till you can get a team of psychiatrists who can say you're not wacko.
Barack Obama can't take a 10% chance on change. I can't personally take some one who is impulsive, rash and has faulty wiring upstairs. Bad judgement, bad history, bad politics and continuation of bad disproved policies.
I think John Kerry said it best, Senator McCain is the Maverick, is against the disastorous policies of the past, is his own man. CANIDIATE McCain is a politician, a conformist, thinks the status quo is good, is pandering to the worst degree. He was before it before he was against it. John McCain is the hypocrite, the liar, and the one who has betrayed his own character and principles of the past. If you want to make yourself about your character and convictions, don't change them and expect me or anyone else to believe them.